Built by Dealers.
Made for your Success.

Carketa was built by an independent car dealer with a clear mission in mind: to streamline dealer operations and increase profit. Because of that, our products are tested day-in and day-out by one of the top performing independent dealers in Utah, along with thousands of other dealerships across the country.

Trusted by over 1,000 Dealerships

The proof is in our dealers' success.

The Carketa Approach

We help dealers find high-profit vehicles

Less Searching. More Buying

Your time is your general asset. Input your inventory preferences ONCE and let us recommend cars with the highest profit opportunity for your dealership.

Data-Fueled Decision Making

You need confidence in vehicles comps. That’s why we’ve built our platform with comprehensive data inputs.

More Cars Available for Less

Pay $0 in transport subscription costs when you use Carketa to buy vehicles.This means more affordable cars are available to you than never before.

Rinse and Repeat

The impact of Carketa software can be felt in month 1 and month 3,001. Use Carketa for your appraising and car buying and see how your bottom line grows.

Carketa helped us grow from 30 to 700 cars on lot!

“Buying the right cars is the lifeblood of a dealership. Carketa helps me know what cars will be profitable and saves me so much time.

When you consistently buy with the Carketa score, you can eventually trust it better than your intuition. It makes car buying/sourcing so much easier. I let Carketa do the thinking for me so I can prioritize my time elsewhere”

Jason Berry

Owner of Action Auto Utah

The Carketa Approach

We help dealers turn cars faster

Market Pricing for Maximum Profit

Price competitively to move inventory quickly while maximizing profit.

Strategic Advantage with an Integrated Solution

We’re not just a recon tool. We help you kickstart recon with our appraisal and sourcing suite.

Transparency for Better Sales velocity

Accelerate the reconditioning process with complete visibility, ensuring your team works efficiently to get cars front-line ready faster.

Data to Drive Market Competition

Leverage in-depth market and competitor data to refine your strategy and keep your inventory moving faster than you think.

Here's What Our Customers Say

Dealer experience is the top priority for every one of our products.

Spy on your competitorS

See EVERYTHING about your competitors: top selling vehicles, current inventory, days on market— all the data you need to gain an edge and outperform the dealers near you.