Easily find the
inventory you need
Less searching, more buying
We automatically identify vehicles that have performed well for you in the past. Using data from over 60,000 dealerships, we find new trends to help you purchase. Stay stocked with cars that maximize your profit.

A data-driven approach to finding vehicles
Easily find the cars that perform well for your dealership

Vehicle Recommendations
Discover which cars are trending in your market. Easily search dozens of auctions across the country to find the specific year-make-models that you specialize in. Analyze market inventory and turnover to add new vehicles that will perform well on your lot. Steal insights from your competitors to know where you can gain a competitive edge.

ROI Calculator
Make informed decisions on vehicles that provide the best return on investment. Easily review thousands of vehicles at auction and see how they’ll perform in your market, with built-in recon and transportation costs.

Seamless Transportation
Expand your available inventory by looking to other markets. Easily transport vehicles and prepare them for recon and sale with Carketa’s end-to-end inventory management tool. Arrange transportation in minutes with our built-in Acertus integration.

Vehicle Insights
View similar listings and the reports you need to buy with confidence. We give you easy access to Manheim, J.D. Power, and K.B.B. book values, along with comparable data from 60,000+ dealerships across the country. Everything you need to accurately value incoming inventory.
Trusted by over 1,000 Dealerships