Streamline Your Vehicle Acquisition and Buying with Auto Finder

Car dealers and buyers often struggle to efficiently source vehicles from various auction sites like Manheim and Adesa. The process of finding the right vehicles based on specific criteria can be time-consuming and challenging. Carketa Auto Finder aims to streamline this process, providing a user-friendly interface to search, filter, and access detailed information about auction listings.

Why Choose Carketa Auto Finder?


Precision Buying Decisions

Buying the right cars is the lifeblood of a dealership. With Carketa’s Auto Finder Product, you can:

Streamlined Operations

Efficiency is key. Carketa provides a:

Comprehensive Vehicle Insights

Gain deeper insights with:

The Profit Predictor: Buy the right cars for your dealership

Our Profit Predictor takes the hassle out of auto finder by automatically identifying the most profitable cars for your dealership. Using AI-powered insights and analyzing the last 90 days of your sales data, the Profit Predictor highlights vehicles that align with your market trends and sales history, ensuring you’re always stocked with cars that will maximize your returns.
Stop wasting time on endless searches—we’ve already done the hard work for you. With the Profit Predictor, you can focus on what matters most: selling the right cars at the right time, with confidence that each vehicle is a strategic addition to your inventory.

How Carketa Auto Finder helped one Utah car dealership scale from 30 cars to 700 cars on lot


From Jason Berry, CEO and Founder at Action Auto Utah

Buying the right cars is the lifeblood of a dealership. I always tell my dealership that we need the right cars at the right price. The success of our business comes down to lead flow, quality vehicles, and price.
The thing that makes Auto Finder next level is the Carketa score and recommendations.
When you consistently buy with the score, you can eventually trust it better than your intuition. It makes car buying/sourcing so much easier. I let Carketa do the thinking for me so I can prioritize my time elsewhere.
“Hey Erik, go find a bunch of ‘7’s, and buy those suckers. Make sure there’s $2k profit. Then it makes the job easier. Helps me make decisions without having to be there. It lets me let my team make decisions.”

Learn more about Carketa's Auto Finder

In a quick demo, our team will show you how Auto Finder will help you find more cars with higher profit margins.